
Need help with your landlord situation, or do you have questions about renting rules and laws?

Another posting at the Vermont Bhutanese Association forum website: CLICK HERE


“Judge orders state to enforce housing rules,” By Wilson Ring, The Associated Press August 29, 2008,

This posting is from a Burlington Free Press newspaper article by Wilson Ring, of The Associated Press, dated August 29, 2008.

The formatting and link to this article was provided via a link to the: Vermont Tenants, Inc. website.

The Vermont Tenants, Inc. office is located at 294 North Winooski Avenue in Burlington, Vermont, (nearby the Food Shelf office).

Vermont Tenants, Inc. provides free direct services to tenants including advice, advocacy and referrals and they conduct workshops for various groups on residential rental housing laws, codes and more. Most of Vermont Tenants, Inc. services are provided by phone, but walk-in clients can usually be assisted during normal business hours.

They produce and distribute the widely used handbook, "Renting in Vermont, Handbook. " This handbook provides information about Vermont's Landlord-Tenant laws. Please stop by the Vermont Tenants, Inc. office (at 294 North Winooski Avenue in Burlington) and ask for a copy of the "Renting in Vermont, Handbook".

They will be happy to give you fair and friendly advice regarding any question you have about renting an apartment or questions you may have regarding how your landlord treats you or your renting situation.