
If you earned a salary in 2008 from a job, it is time to complete your 2008 Income Tax Forms !!

If you earned money from a job anytime last year, you probably need to file 2008 Income Tax forms with the U.S. Government and with the Vermont State Government. The forms are not the same.....

Get some free helpful advice and assistance at the Chittenden Community Action Office, located at 191 North Street in Burlington - phone (802) 863-6248.

Chittenden Community Action Office is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site, helping low income households prepare their tax forms from February 1st through April 15th. Returns are electronically filed, resulting in a speedy refund.

Do not delay! If you do not file your tax returns by April 15, 2009, the government may impose a penalty or some other sort of fine upon you!

Stop by the Chittenden Community Action Office at 191 North Street in Burlington and ask if they will schedule an appointment for you, to meet with one of their Income Tax counselors.

Chittenden Community Action Office staff is happy to assist with filling out forms and applications for other programs such as Reach-Up, Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance and the Health Care programs - Medicaid, Vermont Health Access Plan (VHAP), Dr. Dynasaur and Women, Infants and Children (WIC).